Hi, I'm Jillian, writer, mixed media artist, journalism school grad, Triforce of Courage holder, pretty rave girl, wayward son, final girl, all-around fun guy, etc.! My biggest interests are writing, Legend of Zelda, music, media studies, mixed media, and toys and plushies.
Age: 25 years old
From: Oregon (occupied Kalapuya land
Pronouns: they/them - ae/aer
- friends and family may also use she/her and he/him
Languages: English (πΊπΈ) + Deutsch (π©πͺ)
With Lilith
since May 29, 2016 + Steven since Dec. 21, 2023!!

"the epitome of that comic of the really cute girl listening to her headphones then it turns out its shit like Pantera" - Aalto
"the same vibes as the triforce shirt cargo shorts kid in middle school who you just knew wasn't cishet" - Erika
"the only [Panty & Stocking] fan i respect" - Erika
"the only person in the world who i think could pull this off" - Xander

Contact Me

Email is the best way to reach me about my work: jillian.caulfield79@gmail.com. You can support my work monetarily with one-time tips on Ko-fi
or by subscribing to my Patreon
if you'd really like to. (In which case, thank you!
For any site issues or comments, you can comment on my NeoCities profile or send me a message on Retrospring
Other places I hang out from time to time:
I approach the internet with a "playing on the computer" mindset and value my boundaries. You are not entitled to me, my attention, or my space.
- I mute, block and ban people freely for being annoying, creepy, pushy, assholes, bad faith, trolls, discourse or drama hounds, etc.
- I respond to messages at my own pace and discretion.